Best Low Carb Chocolate
“This is the best chocolate I’ve had since I first started a keto way of life.” Best Low Carb Chocolate – You must try this recipe.
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30 m
– Servings
99 cals
- 1 cup expeller pressed coconut oil
- 1 cup unsweetened cocoa powder
- 2/3 cup erythritol
- Measure out your coconut oil.
- In a double boiler or in a bowl (glass or stainless steel) over a pan of water, melt coconut oil over medium low heat.
- Do not let bottom of bowl touch the water in the pan.
- While oil is melting, measure out cocoa and sweetener.
- In a bowl, combine the two and mix well. This is especially important when using LC-Sweet. Once oil is melted, remove from heat and add sweetener/cocoa mix.
- Stir well until thoroughly combined.
- Let cool to desired consistency. To speed things along, you can put it in the fridge, checking and stirring every 5 minutes. At 20 minutes, it’s extremely thick. If it gets too thick for your purposes, you can simply put the bowl back over the pan of water and warm for a minute or two.
- Stir constantly to control thickness (otherwise it might get too warm and you’ll have to cool it down again).
- Use it to top your favorite baked goods, for dipping, and more!
Nutrition Facts
Per Serving: 99 calories; 10.1 g fat; 0.8 g carbohydrates; 0.7 g protein.
Recipe by: Kiro, Photo Credit: Loren K. (flickr)
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