Get Rid Of The Weeds in 6 Easy Steps
Everyone hates weeds. We do anything we can to murder them but they keep bouncing back. But here’s a fact. If you follow this fool-proof formula, you will win the weed war. What’s the catch? Only one…. you must follow these instructions exactly. Get rid of the weeds in 6 easy steps!
- Pick a mnageable area to tackle and stay focused on it.
- The day before you get to work, water the area to soften the soil. The next day, remove the existing weeds by digging or pulling them out. Cutting them back won’t do the trick; they need to be removed from the root.
- Leave the soil bare for two weeks, then remove any further weeds. (During that time, you can use a hoe or hand trowel to scrape the soil, removing any young weed seedlings.)
- Immediately cover the surface of the soil with mulch spread evenly to three inches.
- Keep an eye on things and pull any new weeds that later manage to pop through this thick layer of mulch.
- Add a further layer of living mulch by mass planting – pick something beautiful and easy to grow like one of the Flower Carpet roses or Canna Tropicannas. Plant them so that they’ll grow tightly together to shade the soil and crowd out any future weeds. To further block out weeds, inter-plant Flower Carpet roses and Tropicanna with nepeta (cat mint) and or annuals like spreading petunias.
Now start the process over in a new weed-infested location…
Source: Your Easy Garden
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