Low Carb Coconut and Chocolate Pudding
“Do you want dairy-free chocolate pudding? It’s not for every day, but it can be a good dessert option for special occasions.” Low Carb Coconut and Chocolate Pudding – You must try this recipe.
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10 + 10 m
6 Servings
234 cals
- 14 oz. coconut milk
- 3 oz. dark chocolate with a minimum of 70% cocoa solids
- 2 egg yolks
- 1 tsp vanilla extract
- Add coconut milk and egg yolks to a sauce pan and stir to combine.
- Place over medium low heat and let simmer while stirring for 10 minutes.
- Break the chocolate into small pieces and add to a bowl.
- Add the vanilla and pour the coconut milk on top.
- Let stand for a while so that the chocolate melts.
- Whisk the batter and pour into glasses.
- Refrigerate for at least two hours before serving.
- This is another recipe from popular Swedish cookbook author and blogger Åse Falkman Fredrikson.
Nutrition Facts
Per Serving: 234 calories; 22 g fat; 7 g carbohydrates; 3 g protein.
Recipe by: Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt, Photo Credit: Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt
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