6 Quick Valslide Exercises
For a short workout with fast results, try your hand (and foot) at the Valslide. Developed by celebrity trainer Valerie Waters of Los Angeles, each disk (they’re sold as a pair) has a slippery side that lets your hands or feet glide over a carpet while you do standard strength-training moves. Here’s 6 Quick Valslide Exercises!
“The sliding motion feels easy, but the Valslide makes you less stable and you’re working against friction, so you’re engaging your core muscles more than you would otherwise,” says Waters.
Move 1: Reverse Lunge
(A) Stand with your feet together and the ball of your right foot on a Valslide.
(B) Slide your right foot behind you; let your left leg bend at 90 degrees. Bring your foot back to the start; focus on pulling up with your left glute. Do 15 reps on each side.
Move 2: One-Arm Slide
(A) Begin in a push-up position with each hand on a Valslide.
(B) Keeping your abs tight so your hips don’t drop, slowly slide your left hand several inches in front of you, then bring it back. Do the same on your right. This counts as one repetition. Do 10 repetitions.
Move 3: Side Lunge
(A) Stand with your left foot on a Valslide.
(B) Slide your foot to the side while sitting into a squat (bend your knee at 90 degrees). Keep your left leg straight and your weight on your right. Bring your left foot back in and return to standing. Do 15 reps on each side.
Move 4: Upside-Down Snow Angel
(A) Come into a forearm plank with each foot on a Valslide.
(B) Slide your legs out to the sides at the same time and then back together without allowing your hips to drop. Repeat 15 times.
Move 5: Modified Leg Curl
(A) Lie on your back with knees bent. Place each heel on a Valslide, then lift your hips off the floor.
(B) Slide your right foot out until your leg is almost straight. Then pull it back toward your buttocks. Keep hips high. Do the same on your left. This counts as one rep. Complete 10.
Move 6: Mountain Climber
(A) Get into a push-up position with arms under shoulders and each foot on a Valslide.
(B) Keeping your abs in, slide your left knee toward your chest as you exhale, then bring it back to the starting position. Do the same with your right leg. This is one rep. Complete 15 of these.
Source: Real Simple, Image Credit: Unsplash
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